Wintergreen Couch Grass Perth & WA

Wintergreen Couch Turf. For your perfect lawn

Wintergreen Couch Turf:

  • Looks amazing when reel mown and well looked after
  • Is named Wintergreen because it stays green in winter. So, is it Wintergreen turf or Winter Green turf? Both!
  • Is a good choice for people who have pets and/or use their lawn for sports/exercise – just allow it to grow a little longer in the high-traffic areas
  • Copes better with neglect than many other varieties of turf
  • Cheaper than Sir Walter Soft-Leaf Buffalo and Zoysia
  • Tenacious due to the deep roots it sends down once properly established, Wintergreen Couch is the choice for many sports facilities (particularly golf courses) and rental home lawns
  • For domestic properties, is best installed as instant grass i.e. roll on turf
  • Requiring six hours of direct sunlight each day (even in winter), Wintergreen Couch is a viable option for semi-shaded areas or full sun
  • Is a great choice for grassing verges

Mowing recommendations

  • Weekly in summer at 18mm
  • Fortnightly in winter at 25mm

Lower price range

With a lower price than Zoysia and Buffalo, choosing Wintergreen Couch offers sizeable upfront savings when it comes to installing a new lawn. We strongly recommend verti-mowing take place in October every year to have the lawn looking great for the festive season.

Fast growing

The fast growth which enables a well-established Wintergreen Couch lawn to repair itself from wear and tear does also mean more mowing than you can expect from a Zoysia or Buffalo lawn. If you are happy to mow frequently, this is the lawn for you. A cylinder (reel) lawnmower can produce a strikingly polished effect but is not essential for mowing as a rotary lawnmower can also be used without causing harm to the grass if the blades are sharp.

Wintergreen Couch Grass for Perth & Western Australia

A certified backyard hero, statistically speaking.

Excellent Very Good Good Once Established
Water Consumption A deep rooting variety that survives on two applications of water each week in warmer months
Shade Tolerance Almost as good as Sir Walter when it comes to shade if leaf is left longer
Wear Tolerance Good with all dogs and pedestrian traffic. Re-grows quickly.
Mowing Requires regular mowing, prefers reel (cylinder) mowing
Fertilising Very small amounts every three months will keep it green all year
Invasiveness Requires garden kerbing then is easily controlled using an edger or whipper snipper
Winter Colour Must be fertilised regularly in cooler months

For hardy Wintergreen Grass follow our Installation Guide when putting in a Wintergreen lawn,
then refer to our Aftercare Guide. However, here are some important tips:

How to establish Wintergreen Couch Turf

  • Soil

    When it comes to Wintergreen Couch, people often disregard the importance of high-quality soil. The right soil is essential for your lawn's successful start and to prevent problems with nutrients and water.

    For the healthiest wintergreen couch, we strongly suggest integrating Bentonite Clay into sandy soils in Perth. Bentonite is a natural clay product with no added chemicals. It delivers long-term benefits for water and fertilizer efficiency, ultimately saving you time and money. To achieve optimal results, make sure to blend Bentonite into your soil alongside organic matter like humus.

  • Time

    Wintergreen Couch turf has a short establishment time. Where other lawns could take up to two years to fully establish, Wintergreen Couch can take only three months. This means that for areas where traffic cannot be avoided you will have a shorter waiting period before being able to use the lawn.

  • Traffic

    If you are purchasing Wintergreen Couch for a high traffic area it is recommended to reduce the traffic for the first 4 weeks. In the warmer months Wintergreen Couch should establish quickly, however it is still important to monitor wear and tear during this early period.

  • Care

    Lawn should not be mowed until rolls have produced adequate roots. This should happen between 2 and 4 weeks and can be confirmed by checking that the rolls have secured themselves to the soil.

How to maintain your Wintergreen Couch Turf

  • Mowing

    In winter and if your lawn is in a shady area, it should be allowed to grow longer to be able to absorb more sunlight. Never remove more than one third of the leaf blade per mow, as this will remove a significant amount of the green food producing body. A longer leaf enables lawn to better tolerate wear and tear and to produce more food for itself, however you may need to mow more frequently as a result. We recommend mowing at a height of 25mm fortnightly in cooler months and 18mm in warmer months.

  • Thatch

    Thatch is an inherent byproduct of healthy lawn growth, found in all lawns. It obstructs the crucial passage of water and nutrients to the roots, where they are required for sustenance. To address this, it's advisable to engage in verti-mowing at least once annually.

  • Fertilising

    For establishing or repairing of turf, the application should be 5kg per 50m2 of Eco-Growth’s Eco-Prime Red fertiliser which contains plenty of Phosphorus (in the form of non-leaching rock phosphate).

    For optimum health of your lawn, it is recommended to fertilise at a maintenance rate of 5kg per 100m2 every 6-8 weeks for 6 months after installation and every 12 weeks thereafter.

    Remember, always water thoroughly to activate the fertiliser and prevent any possible leaf burn.


lawn farm Perth WA

For lawn that loves you back

Located in Bambun, West Of Gingin, Western Australia, we are a family owned and operated turf farm who take pride in growing premium, weed-free roll-on and shredded lawn, providing lawn services and the following varieties of turf:

  • Kikuyu

    Vibrant green, hard-wearing and a great choice for busy households.

    View Variety
  • Sir Walter Soft-Leaf Buffalo

    The #1 domestic choice in Perth with a luxurious appearance.

    View Variety
  • Wintergreen Couch

    Like its name, stays green in winter, with hard-wearing properties.

    View Variety
  • Zoysia

    Slow-growing, drought tolerant, loves hot and humid conditions.

    View Variety

We supply & install turf for WA industries